평창 쁘띠펜션- 스페셜
자연과 함께 여유로움을 가질 수 있는 쁘띠펜션으로 오세요.
  • 할인권여행지
    Make a good memory at the pension.
    펜션에 오시는 손님께 주변여행지 할인권을 드립니다.
    허브나라 입장료 50% 할인권, 블루캐니어 워터파크 50% 할인권, 와카푸카 50% 할인권, 래프팅및 ATV 30% 할인권, 휘닉스파크 스키장리프트 렌탈 최고 50% 할인권
  • A special room for you
    On a trip to meet a pleasant respite! Make pension in memories.
  • I was bored and needed a change of pace.
    The area is famous for its scenic walks, peaceful, well-stocked lakes and abundant bird life.
  • Create precious memories in the maze garden.
    Today I can spend quality time with my family for a change .
  • A safe infant feeding season
    Safe baby food is provided so you can eat safely.